Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I lost power Saturday afternoon. After three days I gave up keeping my place warm. Too much work. The fish in my aquarium all dead. My complaint list is long and I am not a happy camper. Worse yet my skin broke down. Saw MD, not a real problem but it could become one in a heartbeat. Very worried and in desperate need of power that makes my life go. The storm on Saturday that brought over a foot of snow at my house caused far more damage than hurricane Irene. At best, I hope to get power back Friday. Next week is more likely. I will post some pictures when power comes back. My property was hit pretty hard, likely lost my beloved American chest nut trees. Never thought I would say this after last year but I miss my clinitron bed and living room.


  1. I am sorry to hear that you have no power, it is a shame about your fish and american chestnut trees.

  2. What mudgglemad said. Power here was out for about 48 hours. I took it for one night, then moved to a hotel.

  3. That's terrible! I hope you're ok now and have power back - and more importantly that your skin is ok.

    Unfortunately I'm a long ways away or I'd offer you some of my rapidly expanding tetra population.

    Is it possible for you to have a generator installed for the next such storm? I know a lot of people seem to be getting hit with terrible storm/ power outages on a far more regular basis these days.

  4. That's dangerous. I petitioned the electric company for a generator when they made a scheduled overnight outage for repairs - and got it. Telling them my son was dependent on electricity for his health did the trick (it was also winter). Can't you do the same to get prioritized treatment? Citing known health problems (pressure wounds) which is instantly worsened by cold and poorer circulation?

  5. You have to come to terms with the fact that you are vulnerable now to certain health issues. Don't you have a local council that you could turn to to ask for a loan generator? Some kind of social service network? Now is not the time to let pride further erode your health.

  6. Eric, I have talked to the electric company, local groups and town. The only medical device the electric company acknowledges and places a priority on for restoration of power is a ventalator. The town and local groups I approached all said sorry but we cannot help. This is New York afterall. I finally acknowledged I needed generator this week. My brother went out and got one for me. It was expensive and defective, worked for less than 5 minutes. After we exchange it this weekend for one that actually works I will be covered for next storm. Rather than my pride it was my budget that prevented the purchase. Generators are expensive.

  7. Bill, I'm so sorry to hear about your fish & your chestnut trees. I know you were very fond of both of them. I think the power company should give you priority because you need that bed for your skin. I hope your skin is okay & you get a working generator.

  8. Sorry about your losses...I have an overabundance of koi (result of ineffective birth controls) that I would be happy to contribute. They hibernate when water temp gets below 50, so never a problem with power. If they survive the mails, I'd be happy to send!
